お問い合わせ:Alice Boccia Paterakis(email: alicepaterakisyahoo.com)
Archaeological Field Conservator
for excavation in Turkey 2024
The Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology in Central Anatolia, Turkey, is seeking a Field Conservator for four weeks from July 22 until August 17, 2024. The JIAA and excavations are sponsored by the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan (MECCJ), a research institute based in Tokyo. The Kaman-Kalehöyük excavation has been running annually since 1986. In 2009 excavation of two new mound sites commenced, Yassıhöyük and Büklükale, located 20-30 km from Kaman. The primary cultural levels of all three sites are Hittite, Phrygian, and Islamic.
The Field Conservator will manage an active conservation program including the training of two conservation student interns and supervision of their laboratory research projects, lifting and first aid operations in the field, processing and treatment of artifacts, digital imaging, database documentation, and artifact condition surveys. The well-equipped conservation lab and comfortable living facilities compensate the long workday (starting at 5:00 am). The Field Conservator has the opportunity to collaborate with an international team of archaeologists, osteoarchaeologists, archaeobotanists, etc. The Kalehöyük Archaeological Museum is located next to the JIAA.
Applicants must be fluent in English, have a MA or MSc degree in conservation, and a minimum of two seasons experience on an archaeological excavation. Interested applicants should contact Alice Boccia Paterakis. Your room, all meals, and a salary of 4000 $ US are provided.Please send your Curriculum vitae and a list of three references with email addresses by November 5, 2023, preferably as attachments to email. A decision will be made by November 20, 2023, at which time visa applications are submitted.
Alice Boccia Paterakis PhD
Director of Conservation
Kaman-Kalehöyük, Yassıhöyük, and Büklükale, Excavations
Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology
email: alicepaterakis